50 Shades of Red

Well, well, well. Seems the hottest topic in the universe these days is the movie/book, 50 Shades of Grey. Released in March of 2012, the book by EL James  amassed sales of 10 million copies within the first six weeks and surpassed the 100 million mark last week. The movie, released President’s Day weekend set box office records with $87.1 million dollars in a single weekend. And the world is seeing red.

The movie’s  success brought with it, torrid moralistic judgments and rantings from  every corner. Accusations of setting feminism back decades, glorifying the abuse of women, to rehashing the books inadequacy as a literary accomplishment, “The worst book ever written,” can be found on everywhere.

I admit, I haven’t read the book nor seen the movie. But, my curiosity is piqued. First, I’m curious why 68% of the audience belong to women. If it degrades and abuses women, or puts feminism back decades (a nice thought), what are women doing lining the theater seats? I have my theories, but that’s another post.

I surmise this movie, while making headlines now, will fade into the background and be forgotten, unlike feminism.  Society is still reeling and feeling that impact (another post for another time).

Secondly, I’m curious because this author, unknown before March 2012, has become a zillionaire in a matter of two and half years! What writer or aspiring writer doesn’t sit up and take notice of that little fact? I want to know, what made this book, it’s story so successful? And, no matter where you stand on the content, a success it is.

Larry Brooks at Storyfix.com had an excellent blog post on this subject and I believe it is well worth reading. He says it’s about story physics and I have to agree. In all the ruckus, we writer’s are forgetting what makes a good story.

Mr. Brooks explains what we’re missing in all of the hoopla, far better than I can here. Check it out: What you May be Missing about “50 Shades of Grey,” and let me know what you think.

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